<p>Our non-profit partner working to break the poverty cycle through women’s skills and business education. Approximately 30 million Indonesians are living in poverty; about 70% of the poor are women and their children. Most of them are unskilled. R.O.L.E. fights to empower women in poverty and help to break this cycle – through skills education, hospitality training, and fair wage job support.</p>

<p>R.O.L.E. believes that through the education of a woman, her whole family profits, leading to prosperity for the local communities. R.O.L.E. relies wholly on donations to fund this effective and life-changing programme.<span style="font-size: calc(21/var(--base-size)*var(--scaler)*var(--window-size)); letter-spacing: calc(0.84/var(--base-size)*var(--scaler)*var(--window-size)); color: rgba(var(--color-primary),1);"><br></span></p><p><span style="font-size: calc(21/var(--base-size)*var(--scaler)*var(--window-size)); letter-spacing: calc(0.84/var(--base-size)*var(--scaler)*var(--window-size)); color: rgba(var(--color-primary),1);"><br></span></p><p></p><p>Get in touch with our <a href="https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=628113855729">Leisure Curators</a> to visit the community.</p>